Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Can I please be the Executive Aqueous Auxiliary?

Just comedy... has anyone reading this ever been a "Team Member"? I remember the days when everybody was an employee and not a team member. The days when companies had managers and not "Team Leaders"? You know the good old days when people actually worked for paychecks and bosses were running sweat shops but stuff was getting done. These days companies are trying to make everyone equal and give them nice sounding positions. This is now the, "hey I'm not your boss" days It's, "hey I'm your friend". I feel like slapping the liberal assholes that think they need to make this a communist country and make everyone equal. People are not created equal. There has been a hierarchy in business for 1,000s of years! There is the boss, who is the person taking the largest risk in the business. There is the manager who makes sure the boss's wishes are being carried out. There are the employees who do what the manager says or get fired. There it is as simple as can be.

Did you know that every US Department of _________ has a Department of Recognition? I find it moronic that people need more then a handshake, a pat on the back, and a paycheck after doing something well. There are books written about training your "team" with treats and verbal recognition to gain maximum performance from them. Doesn't that sound like the same way one would train their dog? Some people could argue that their co-workers are dogs to begin with, but on to the next paragraph.

Personal Excerpt

I met a young man today who was 24, we will call him Mike Chang. We started a conversation for a few minutes while we waited in line at blockbuster. I asked him what he did for a living and he stated he was an investor. I promptly asked him what he invested in and he stated, "Whatever is Profitable." Finding this answer quite amusing I had to restrain myself from calling him out on the absurd statement he just made. It goes without saying that I did not believe him. I then, knowing that he did not do this for money but more for title recognition, asked him if that was all he did for a living. He then told me that he owned a computer tech lab where he assembled and fixed PCs. I showed great interest in this as well because I am involved heavily with computers. I then said, "wow that can be a very lucrative industry to be in". He then said, "well business is pretty good, I'm bringing in about $1,000/mo and that pays the bills". I kindly nodded and went on with my business. So to sum this up we have a "Investor" and "CEO" making $1,000/mo! Screw the titles, call me an employee, shake my hand, look me in the eye, pay me, and I'll be on my way. That's how my daddy did it and that's how I wanna keep it.

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